EDITOR – "This is the remix" (experimental short)

THIS IS THE REMIX: An overview of remix culture and its struggle to exist within copyright culture from Rachel Whelan on Vimeo.

99.9% of this video is composed of other videos downloaded from YouTube. (Hence the horrible quality, sorry.)  This collage of 10+ videos illustrates and illuminates remix culture and its clashes with copyright law.

Gregg Gillis (a.k.a. Girl Talk), Lawrence Lessig, Jonathan Lethem, and Corey Doctorow explain the current landscape of remixed art versus outdated copyright laws (read: pre-YouTube).  Featuring work by remix artists Girl Talk (Gregg Gillis), Kutiman (Ophir Kutiel), and DJ Danger Mouse (Brian Joseph Burton).

(in approximate order of relevance/awesomeness):

THRU YOU - Kutiman mixes YouTube

TEDtalks - "Larry Lessig: How creativity is being strangled by the law"

"Girl Talk (Greg Gillis) interview... Clipped from the copyright documentary "Good Copy/Bad Copy"."

"The Best Stephen Colbert / Lawrence Lessig Interview Remix - by Ludachrist"

"Girl Talk - Bounce That (Best Fan Video Ever)"

"The Grey Video" - DJ Danger Mouse

South Park clip - Underpants Gnomes (hard to find complete version...)

"Girl Talk Discusses Copyright Lawsuit"

"Lawrence Lessig - Remix"  Lecture @ NYU

"Cory Doctorow: Pwned: How Copyright turns us all into IP ser"

EDITOR – "On Videotape" (exercise)

Edited together two music videos and one animation to create a seamless conceptual video on the subject of “Society and Control.”

Features the song “Video Tapez” by Amplive – a remix of “Videotape” by Radiohead.

Source videos: